Making memories …

Dear all,

with this message, I would like to thank you for your participation in IEEE GEM 2024.

The satisfaction of seeing so many people present in Turin and, I believe, happy, definitely repays my efforts and those of who have collaborated in making this wonderful event happen, starting from Gabriele, Bill, the Organizing Committee, the TPC and the local team.

Here aside you will find a video that captures different moments of the conference. I hope it evokes in you the same emotions I felt when watching it right at the end of the conference, and when reviewing it again with images of the last moments we spent together.

As requested by many of you, we have also collected various photos taken throughout the event at this link. You will find them in this DropBox folder.

From these photos, it is evident that IEEE GEM is a growing community that gathers not only to discuss about technology related to gaming, entertainment, and multimedia, but for the pleasure of coming together and making memories lasting well beyond the conference days. I am really proud and glad to be part of this community.

See you in Kaohsiung, Taiwan from July 16 to 18, 2025, for IEEE GEM 2025.
